

Goal #5

BECOME A VALUED CONTENT EXPERT AND RESOURCE IN THE FIELD OF YOUTH JUSTICE IN THE STATE AND NATION The Tow Youth Justice Institute has become a model of best practices by expanding communications of knowledge and resources in the juvenile justice field to and with key stakeholders in the state and nation.  Our objectives are [...]
By Tow Youth Admin | Goals . TYJI Strategic Plan

Goal #4

ENGAGE UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAVEN STUDENTS IN WAYS THAT PROVIDE PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES TO SUPPORT THE FORMATION OF A FUTURE WORKFORCE THROUGH STRONG, INNOVATIVE YOUTH JUSTICE PROGRAMS The Tow Youth Justice Institute will promote and provide opportunities for students to participate in internships, cooperative work experiences, volunteer opportunities, research, and student events. Experiential [...]
By Tow Youth Admin | Goals . TYJI Strategic Plan

Goal #3

COLLABORATING WITH POLICY MAKERS, PRACTITIONERS, AND COMMUNITY, ESPECIALLY YOUTH AND THEIR FAMILIES, IN ORDER TO PROMOTE AND ACHIEVE MULTI-SYSTEM REFORM. The focus for multi-system reform will be driven by the recommendations and work of the Juvenile Justice Policy and Oversight Committee and its workgroups. Our work supporting the JJPOC includes: Facilitating all of the workgroup [...]
By Tow Youth Admin | Goals . TYJI Strategic Plan

Goal #2

EDUCATE POLICY MAKERS, PRACTITIONERS, AND THE COMMUNITY ABOUT WAYS TO ADVANCE JUVENILE JUSTICE REFORM AND ACHIEVE BETTER OUTCOMES FOR YOUTH The Tow Youth Justice Institute will implement leadership development training for those working in the youth justice field, enhance police-youth relations through training, and promote and innovate Restorative work in all youth serving systems in [...]
By Tow Youth Admin | Goals . TYJI Strategic Plan

Goal #1

RESEARCH AND EVALUATE YOUTH JUSTICE ISSUES IN ORDER TO ADVANCE DATA-DRIVEN POLICIES AND PRACTICES. The Tow Youth Justice Institute will coordinate qualitative and quantitative research projects focused on youths and young adults. The research projects will  inform key stakeholders in their decisions about reform and utilize faculty and staff at the University of New Haven, [...]
By Tow Youth Admin | Goals

Goal One

GOAL #1 – ENGAGE UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAVEN STUDENTS IN WAYS THAT PROVIDE PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES TO SUPPORT THE FORMATION OF A FUTURE WORKFORCE THROUGH STRONG, INNOVATIVE YOUTH JUSTICE PROGRAMS The Tow Youth Justice Institute will promote and provide opportunities for students to participate in internships, cooperative work experiences, volunteer opportunities, research, and […]

By John Mordecai | Goals . Uncategorized
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