Dawn is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and has been employed by the State of CT’s Division of Public Defender Services as a Social Worker for the Juvenile Court system for the past 23 years. Prior to her employment with the Division, she worked for 10 years as an outpatient Dual Diagnosis treatment provider for adults.
As a Public Defender Social Worker, Dawn collaborates with numerous service providers including mental health, healthcare, and community policing personnel. In addition, she works closely with state legislators and state agencies such as the Court Support Service Division, the Department of Children and Families, the Department of Correction, the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, and the Child Advocate’s office to ensure her clients are receiving the appropriate services. Dawn’s professional affiliations include work on several State legislative workgroups, and in 2021, she was appointed as the first ever non-lawyer Board member for the New England Regional Board of the Gault Center.
Dawn has presented alongside numerous state and national organizations and has been a fierce advocate for the rights of youth involved in the legal system. She has extensive experience assisting Attorneys and agencies in the preparation of youth defense and has been instrumental in helping craft effective and holistic defenses for youth and young adults. In addition, she has teamed up with attorneys appointed to represent clients in Public Act 15-84/Juvenile Parole hearings. Her expertise in identifying the strengths and needs of her clients and devising a re-entry plan has resulted in several successful early releases.
Dawn’s 23 years as a Public Defender Social Worker clearly demonstrate her commitment to her work and her passion for helping CT’s youth by advocating both in and out of the courtroom for the supports and services they need to succeed.