National Resources – Prevention and Reentry
Office Of Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
The OJJDP works for juvenile justice and safety, especially those juveniles who experience serious, violent, and habitual offenders, and also victims who are neglected and/abused. OJJDP strives for a nation where children are healthy, educated, and do not fear violence. Even when a juvenile does come in contact with the criminal justice system, the contact should be rare, justified, and also should benefit them.
CDC National Center For Injury Prevention & Control/ Division Of Violence Prevention
Seeks to nationally recognize violence as a national health problem that needs to be analyzed and prevented. The division’s mission is to overall prevent injuries and/or death caused by violence.
Center For The Prevention Of Youth Violence
The Johns Hopkins Center For The Prevention Of Youth Violence seeks to provide intervention for youth who are classified as high-risk, while also reaching out to the community to prevent the escalation of violence. Additionally, their main focus is to prevent fatal and non-fatal violence between and against youth.
The National Council On Crime And Delinquency
Seeks to promote communities that are strong and safe for not only society, but for the individuals and families that reside in them. They also specialize in conducting research on policies that affect youth involved in the juvenile justice system and children and adolescents who are exposed to the child welfare system.
National Dropout Prevention Center
Seeks to increase graduation rates for youth in high school, while also increasing the use of research and solutions that are backed up with evidence.
Council Of Juvenile Correctional Administrators
Special Expertise: Juvenile Facilities, Aftercare/Re-Entry
Federal Interagency Re-Entry Council
Special expertise: Aftercare/Re-Entry