Sharde McGee

Sharde McGee

Juvenile Detention Officer Training Coordinator, CT Judicial Branch, Court Support Services Division

Shardé McGee is currently assigned as a Training Coordinator for Juvenile Residential Services, the Connecticut Support Services Division in the Judicial Branch. Shardé is from the small but diverse city of Danbury.  She facilitates a wide variety of training topics: Trauma, Ethics, Safe Crisis Management, CPR, Cultural Biases, Disproportionate Minority Contact, Gang Culture, Overview of Interventions, Prison Rape Elimination Act, a host of Diversity training and many more topics for CSSD.  Her passion for increasing Human Trafficking Awareness has been a prominent focus.  Her goal is to raise awareness amongst the professionals who work with potential victims/ perpetrators, the community members that face this industry, and the victims living the gruesome reality of human trafficking.   Shardé loves to facilitate interactive training with activities that encourage great discussion and an atmosphere of enlightenment.

Capstone Project: Identification and Prevention of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking with Vulnerable Youth in the Juvenile Justice System: The Prevention work in DMST is small, and there are many factors associated with the lack of prevention schools do not believe it is happening in their neighborhoods, and parents do not believe that their children are exposed to this form of trafficking. Community providers need training more available, and law enforcement needs to become less overwhelmed with AWOLS or any runaway reports. There needs to be more educational training on DMST in our agencies, to improve to lack of tools to identify youth at risk. This informative training will impact our youth to prevent DMST in our communities in the future.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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