Erika Nowakowski has a Master’s degree from the University of CT School of Social Work with a focus on Policy and Planning. She is the Executive Director of the Tow Youth Justice Institute at the University of New Haven and oversees the institute’s operations.
She works with Senators, Representatives, State Agencies, non-profit organizations, and many other partners on goals to improve children’s well-being. She has extensive experience in managing two legislatively created bodies that focus on the Juvenile Justice system and Children’s Behavioral Health in Connecticut and lead trainer for the Transforming Youth Justice Program focused on building the capacity of present and future leaders as agents of change.
Prior to arriving at TYJI, she worked for 8 ½ years for the State of CT Judicial Branch Court Support Services Division managing several statewide initiatives focused on gender-responsive services, quality assurance, training, and program development and implementation. She also worked for 4 years with the Council on Accreditation in New York City and provided Technical Assistance to private nonprofit and state agencies seeking accreditation. She also has six years of experience in non-profit direct services as a case manager with the Emergency Mobile Psychiatric services, managing and coordinating system of care community efforts, and developing and implementing foster care best practices for recruiting foster parents.
Erika is a wife,mom of three active boys, and currently serves on the Farmington Board of Education.