Through my intern position, I was able to learn of the great efforts the Tow Youth Justice Institute puts toward ensuring a better future for juveniles in Connecticut. The passion and dedication all TYJI employees and volunteers have for their work is very inspiring! Tow Youth Justice Institute has helped me gain insight into the legislative process of juvenile justice reform. My experience here will help me gain real world knowledge which I can apply to my future career, being a criminal justice major with a minor in legal studies. I have been given the opportunity by TYJI to collaborate on important projects for the JJPOC and have been able to sit in on a workgroup meeting in Hartford! I am excited to continue to help at Tow next semester! In the upcoming year I will be a junior in the undergraduate program here at the university and so far my experience here has been nothing less of great! I have been able to make important connections that will help me later on in life and have made great friendships! While I am upset that this year was cut short, I cannot wait for the day we return to campus![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
“Brooke began her internship at the Tow Youth Justice Institute assisting in website management and design in February 2020 She is responsible for communication between TYJI and the Connecticut General Assembly website to ensure updated communications of all JJPOC meetings and materials. She also assists in preparation of meeting materials and attends JJPOC workgroup and subgroup meetings. Brooke is always curious and communicative with the other interns and continues to be committed the juvenile justice work and TYJI. She is a great team member and I look forward to our continued mentorship and professional development in the Fall!”