My name is Tanesha Jones, LCSW. I am a first generation immigrant who migrated to the City of Hartford CT, USA in 1988 as a 9 year-old– child.
I obtained an Associate Degree in Criminal Justice.I went on to complete my Bachelor Degree in Criminology/ Sociology. I worked in Schools, Inpatient/ outpatient Hospitals and communities with families and at- risk- youths. I was eager to learn ways to better service this population. I again pursued a Master’s Degree in Social Work. I learned that Behavioral Health Services are essential to working with people who have experienced childhood adversities, behavioral health and other barriers. Quality treatment for mental health is crucial for their development and rehabilitation. Addressing racial and ethnic disparities within the juvenile justice system. Some of the current practices/policies working with youths are punitive and inadequate. With a greater focus on treatment, educational programs, life skills and vocational training individuals will be better equipped to reintegrate into society successfully and reduce recidivism. Within the past couple of years violence amongst youth has skyrocketed. Offenders are released from prison and dying or returning with more heinous Crimes.