Megan McClintock
B.S., Criminal Justice, May 2020, M.S., Emergency Management/Fire Science
Working at the Tow Youth Justice Institute, I was able to take part in research that paved the way for social justice in our state. I not only learned new software that gave me a head start when it came to classes but also gave me the tools that I would need to further my education. I loved getting to meet all of the Tow staff and work with them to further the goals of the program. One of my favorite moments working at the Tow was when I was able to take part in the event planning process and see my ideas come to light. It was great to see people engage and learn from the different sessions we held, while also informing attendees about the Tow. This experience not only helped me with my current education but prepared me for my educational journey as I start my master’s program. Working at the Tow for two years was one of the highlights of my time at the university and I could not imagine my time without it. As I graduate this semester, I cannot wait to see all of the work that continues and see all the new faces that join the team next year.
“After Megan’s stellar performance in my Quantitative Applications in CJ course, I was honored to have her join the research team in the fall of 2018. Over the past two years, she has expanded quantitative and qualitative research skills that will serve her well as she continues into the workforce and graduate school after graduation. She has brought as much light and laughter as she has organization and planning to the team. She will be missed by many, but most of all me.”